Feb 14 Updates
Just got in from the trail. 12 inches of new snow makes for great conditions.
Allagash Headwaters Lodge is in the heart of the North Maine Woods, Northeast Piscataquis County in T7 R11.
Home of the Allagash Headwaters Snowmobile Club.
Just got in from the trail. 12 inches of new snow makes for great conditions.
Yesterday was a very busy day in the North Woods. Great conditions, fresh snow and
Busy, Busy day. Hundreds of snowmobilers with smiles all around coming along the trail by
We received a fresh load of ethanol-free super-unleaded today. YES! – WE HAVE FUEL HERE
An area that averages more than 120″ of snow each winter in 3.5 million acres of industrial woodland with more than 3000 miles of unplowed road for off trail riding in addition to connecting to state trail systems from Oxbow, Patten, Matagamon and Millinocket.
We are the GATEWAY to Maine’s Historic GHOST TRAINS and TRAMWAY with access to the headwaters of Chamberlain and Big Eagle Lakes.
Offering quality meals and lodging with on-site fuel (90 octane non-ethanol) available for your riding convenience.